Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ich Frage Mich

Ich sehe mein Gesicht im Spiegel.Und frag mich, bin dass wirklich ich??
This sentence is part of my favorite song.
And I think this song is same as me.
Manchmal denke ich, ob wirklich mein Gesicht im Spiegel ich bin.Of course, the shape is me, but is this really me whom I imagined in childhood??Was my future which I had considered in my childhood this bored??I think I am losing my way about my life.What is the thing which I really wanna do??I don't know about my self well.I have already been 24 years old.
It is too hard to find a true and ideal figure of me.Das ist sehr so weit Weg, ich glaube.


Anonymous said...

Juhu, is your favorite Song a song of a german groupe?

chihiro said...

This song is Als Unser Hass Noch Liebe war by Yvonne Catterfeld.
Kennst du das??

Jose said...

I would like to hear the song now. Sounds interesting and meaningul.

Anonymous said...

Yes - ich kenne Yvonne Catterfeld - sie spielte eine Rolle in meiner lieblings DailySoap - Gute Zeiten -SChlechte Zeiten -
