Monday, January 28, 2008

Bot Virus

Now I'm checking Bot virus.
Do you know "Bot"??
It is said that the name calle Bot come from Robot.
Recently Bot viruses are very scary, I think.
Bot virus is very similar to another computer viruses. The difference between Bot and normal virus is that Bot is controlled on remote. Furthermore computers infected by Bot make "Bot-network".
The problem is that Bot isn't easy to find out by Anit-virus software.
Bot can change itself automatically.
So Anti-virus software can't find the pattern. To make worse, Anti-virus makers are not able to keep up with the Bot.
Bot viruses steal the data (for exmaple. credit card number) from the computers,
send a lot of spam mail and behave badly .
We have to be careful.
My work is concerned about computer virus, so I always pay it attention .
Oh, I've just finished the check. Fortunately, Bot wasn't included in my PC.
What a relief :D

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