But this is only on the calender.
In Japan, it is said that to throw some beans out with saying "Oni ha Soto, Huku ha uti" , and then to eat beans of the number of age are good.
Recently, eating Norimaki, which means rice roll, is popular in Japan.
This seems traditional custom in Kyoto. I heard so.
But now many people do this.
This rice roll is called "Ehou-maki (恵方巻)".
This includes a various cooking ingredients.
For example... eggs, cucumbers, kamaboko(it's something like a pastes fishes)...
It seems good that we put 7 ingredients in this rice roll. This 7 cooking ingredients mean 7 happy gods.
We can buy this Ehou-maki everywhere, for example convenience stores, super market, and so on.
Of course, we can make , too.
So I made this at my home :)
But there were not 7 ingredients, so I put ingredients which are in my refrigerator, in Eho-maki.
For example, eggs, tuna, Nato, and white radish sprouts.
Haha, just only 4 ingredients :(
But they tastes very good :)

Thanks for writing about this tradition. I am always interested in things like that from other countries. You celebrate the seperation of spring and winter quite early! The beginning of spring starts on 20 or 21 March here. The food look very good!
Itis difficult to explain about Japanese culture in English.
I am Japanese, but I have many things I don't know about the culture.
To write the culture in English is study for me :)
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