Friday, August 24, 2007


Finally, it is Friday, today.It was very very very very very loooooong this week.
Because.....I had 9 holidays(11th - 19th) lase week.
From Monday to Wednesday I felt sleep all day.
Thursday and today, I am boring....

It is boring not to have work.I have to spend 8hours without work at my office.This is hard for me.
I would rather have hard work.But I will be stressful if I have a lot of work.
I am selfishness... It is important "work is moderately", I think.

Tomorrow I will go shopping in the mornign.And afternoon, I will make album
.There are meny pictures I took in Germany.heheh, I'm looking forward to do it:D

P.S.When I sneeze in Japan, nobody say "Gesundheit".I miss German people....

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